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Lynchburg College
Lynchburg College
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"6 Rms Riv Vu" Opens; December 3, 1976
LC Theare presents comedy
"After the Applebox:" Dramatic Sermon; February 26, 1977
Couple in dramatic sermon, "After the Applebox."
"Alice in Wonderland" Scheduled for LC; February 20, 1975
LC production of "Alice in Wonderland"
"Awake and Sing" performance; November 20, 1975
LC Theatre performs "Awake and Sing."
"Camera's Eye" Opens at LC; November 9, 1975
Exhibition of photographic works & equipment
"Children's Hour" Performed; April 4, 1976
Scene from "Children's Hour"
"Gideon" performed; October 5, 1972
Scene from "Gideon"
"Lucia diLammermoor"; April 19, 1964
Night of Opera performance
"Molly Brown" To Open At LC; February 13, 1977
LC theatre does "Molly Brown"
"Night of the Iguana" on LC stage; December 6, 1969
LC theatre production of "Night of the Iguana"
"Off With Her Head"; February 20, 1975
Scene from "Alice in Wonderland"
"Old Man Wisened By the Sea" performed at LC; April 26, 1970
The Rev. Richard Waters' dramatic sermon performed
"Ondine" On State at LC; October 3, 1976
Scene from "Ondine"
"Our Town"; November 8, 1962
Two from cast of "Our Town."
"Project Lakefront"; xx/xx/1965
LC class continues work on pavillion at College Lake front.
"Purely Academic" Runners-UP; April 4, 1977
Holy Cross High was runner-up in LC sponsored academic competition
"The Imaginary Invalid" Opening; February 24, 1971
Opening night of "The Imaginary Invalid"
"The Informer"; April 21, 1961
Scene from "The Informer"
19th Annual Night of Opera; March 21, 1965
Scene from "Night of Opera"
32nd Annual Boys State at LC; June 17, 1974
Boys State rep with speaker
48-Hour Rest: Psychology Experiment; May 9, 1965
Experiment with student deprived of most sensory experience for 48 hours
A Community Effort; November 21, 1974
LC students & associates work together for $7 million campaign
A Gathering of Talent: All-Sports Banquet; May 5, 1975
Five LC athletes honored at sports banquet
A Joyful Noise: Children of LC; December 10, 1976
LC children singing carols
Academic procession for commencement; June 4, 1963
1963 Commencement procession
Showing 1 to 25 of 878 results
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