The papers include business papers of a candy distributor in Lynchburg, Virginia.Also included is a bag for Workingman's Friend Chewing & Smoking Tobacco, whichwas packaged in Lynchburg.
Three digital images of customer requests to the Charles C. Buck and Company candy distributor in Lynchburg, Virginia.
Manuscript Collection 1768 is the Charles C. Buck and Company Papers. The company was owned by Charles Buck, a confectioner who conducted business in Lynchburg prior to July 1870. Buck operated as a wholesale dealer in confectionary and fruits. He was also a cake and cracker baker and candy maker. His residence was at the corner of Eighth and Main streets.
Manuscript Collection 1768 includes more than 50 requests and receipts for delivery. In these three sample requests an Ernest Williams requests 50 pounds more candy delivered to Centenary Church in December 1892, Henry C. Wysor of the New York Life Insurance Company also makes a December 1892 request for lemon sticks, mint sticks, mixed drops, and other candy to "ship at once", and Frank Burge requests 100 pounds of nice assorted stick candy in July 1893.