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Kiwanis International
Kiwanis International
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"Kiwanis Kapers" benefit show; April 30, 1967
Bennie Adkins and Gloria Von Weiss to emcee benefit show
Annual Report; April 3, 1936
Annual Report Educational & Benevolent Fund, Lynchburg Kiwanis Club, April 1st, 1935 - March 31st, 1936, p. 1
Annual Report; April 3, 1936
Annual Report Educational & Benevolent Fund, Lynchburg Kiwanis Club, April 1st, 1935 - March 31st, 1936, p. 2
Annual Report; April 3, 1936
Annual Report Educational & Benevolent Fund, Lynchburg Kiwanis Club, April 1st, 1935 - March 31st, 1936, p. 3
Annual Report; April 9, 1937
Annual Report Educational & Benevolent Fund, Lynchburg Kiwanis Club, April 1st, 1936 - March 31st, 1937, p. 1
Annual Report; April 9, 1937
Annual Report Educational & Benevolent Fund, Lynchburg Kiwanis Club, April 1st, 1936 - March 31st, 1937, p. 1
Annual Report; April 9, 1937
Annual Report Educational & Benevolent Fund, Lynchburg Kiwanis Club, April 1st, 1936 - March 31st, 1937, p. 1
Annual Report; April 9, 1937
Annual Report Educational & Benevolent Fund, Lynchburg Kiwanis Club, April 1st, 1936 - March 31st, 1937, p. 1
Area Kiwanis Clubs' presidents meet; November 23, 1964
Club presidents to plan for upcoming year
Bill Dudley addresses Fort Hill Kiwanis Club; July 1, 1966
Delegate Bill Dudley speaks about what the General Assembly has accomplished
Circle K Convention held; April 16, 1967
Kiwanis and Circle K officials meet
Circle K crowns Sweetheart; November 20, 1967
Julie Johnson is new Circle K sweetheart [original photo filed under NA0125-125]
City planning officials speak to Lynchburg Kiwanis; January 9, 1971
Arthur H. Fawcett Jr. is preparing plan for city
Congressional candidates meet with Kiwanis; August 18, 1973
Joan Jones and Robert C. Watts Jr. attend Kiwanis luncheon
Couple narrates Travel and Adventure program; March 18, 1973
Stan and Irene Paulauskas present "A Danish Diary" to Kiwanis
Doug Jones to present travelogue film for Kiwanis; January 14, 1973
"Travel and Adventure" series film features New York City, etc.
E. C. Glass football coach meets with Lynchburg Kiwanis; August 21, 1971
Johnny Palmer, E. C. Glass football coach, speaks to William Sandidge
Editor of Roanoke Times meets with Kiwanis; January 25, 1963
Norwood C. Middleton chats with Jack Crown
FBI agent speaks to Kiwanis; December 8, 1972
Richmond FBI agent Richard D. Rogge to speak at Kiwanis Club
Federal Aviation official is guest speaker for Kiwanis luncheon; June 29, 1963
W. C. Flanik speaks with Robert A. Dirom Jr.
Fort Hill Kiwanis begins fruit cake sale; October 28, 1960
Proceeds from Kiwanis fruit cake sale to benefit assistance to the aged
Fort Hill Kiwanis chartered at meeting; July 18, 1958
Fort Hill Kiwanis Club chartered at meeting
Fort Hill Kiwanis Club installs new officers, 1965; January 15, 1965
Dean J. Buchanan is new Kiwanis president
Fort Hill Kiwanis donates to Patrick Henry Boys' Plantation; September 9, 1960
Kiwanis creates fund to support Patrick Henry Boys' Plantation
Fort Hill Kiwanis donates to the Fine Arts Center; November 26, 1967
David Starr presents E. Gordon Huff with check for Fine Arts Center
Showing 1 to 25 of 228 results
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