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Lynchburg City Schools
Lynchburg City Schools
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Guards Aid Safety Program; September 15, 1955
Crossing guard at Biggers crossing on 5th St.
Hansel and Gretel; June 4, 1966
Peakland 4th grade class performs Hansel & Gretel
He'll Make his "Debut" Monday; August 28, 1966
Boy gets ready for first grade, as parents help
Here Comes the Bride; April 6, 1961
Tom Thumb wedding at T. C. Miller School
Here's How It Works: Radio Maintenance Course; February 25, 1963
Course for unemployed set up; federally funded
Hey Kids, Guess What; August 21, 1962
Custodians paint school signs in street
Hold Up Answer; May 20, 1967
Student holds letter from a Richmond 6th grader; a reply to note in balloon launched May 3
Holds Registration; August 31, 1969
Vocational supervisor discuss adult education program with two
Honored at Retirement; May 16, 1962
Two teachers receive gifts at retirement
Honored by Board; November 4, 1970
Two of 16 retirees honored
Honored by School Board: Retirees; December 6, 1972
Three retirees honored
Honored Guests: Retiring Teachers; June 6, 1964
Four retirees entertained by Mrs. Lester Carper
Hot Job to Cool; July 18, 1963
New air conditioning for School Administration Building
How Old Am I?; August 25, 1966
Child registers for kindergarten with help of Girl Scouts
I'll Trade You…; August 29, 1972
Three students compare lunches…
Imposing Elementary School; November 14, 1958
William Marvin Bass School is city's most expensive school plant.
In Education Panel; November 2, 1960
Panel discussion of special school services
In Joint Concert; December 12, 1971
Joint concert by junior & high school choir members
In Science Laboratory; July 29, 1964
Academically able students in summer science program.
In-Service Starts; October 25, 1961
Portable elementary science lab for classrooms viewed
Industrial Training Conferrence; July 31, 1962
VA industrial cooperative training staff meet in Lynchburg
Inspecting Namesake; March 20, 1959
School Board member looks over plans for school named in his honor
Instruction Committee Members; July 10, 1957
Committee views applications of new teachers, etc
Integration planning; December 6, 1961
Three school officials fly to Atlanta & New Orleans to consult concerning integration
Interns; November 26, 1965
Four Duke interns earn masters degrees
Showing 201 to 225 of 558 results
of 23