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Lynchburg City Schools
Lynchburg City Schools
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"… Don't Understand Teacher"; September 15, 1967
Photograph of young girl.
"Light - More Light"; January 4, 1968
Supt's secretary views old cornerstone on adm. building on 11th & Court Sts.
"Not As Smart."; September 15, 1967
Photograph of young boy.
"Now I Turn and…"; May 25, 1968
First graders do square dance for May activities program
"Sure Have It Easy"; September 15, 1967
Photograph of young boy.
"Today's School Child" panel discussion; April 26, 1970
School officials meet for panel discussion
$10,000 Canopy for Linkhorne Junior High; August 29, 1966
Students leave first day at Linkhorne Junior under $10,252 canopy
$4 Million Plan; June 20, 1962
Board member presents five-year capital plan
A Christmas Operetta; December 17, 1968
Payne School PTA sees "Mr. Grumpy's Toy Shop" by students
A Few Comforting Words; August 27, 1969
Three siblings register for new school year
A Is For Aardvark…; August 29, 1968
Registration for new school year
Accreditation Study; April 27, 1972
Elementary schools up for accreditation.
Acting As Liason: Visiting Teachers; December 15, 1968
Visiting teachers
Action Postponed on Enlarging School; April 28, 1950
Council postpones addition to Armstrong School
Admires Artwork: Special Education; April 7, 1968
City special education teachers view artwork from students
Advances at Payne School; September 29, 1970
Principal & PTA president go over instructional plans
Aid to Visually Handicapped; February 9, 1965
Lynchburg Lions donates typewriter with large type for visually impaired
Alert for drivers that school opens; August 29, 1965
Four youngsters crossing street at school zone
All Aboard; August 31, 1971
Buses pick up students on VES Rd. for first day.
All Chiefs and No Indians; August 14, 1967
Principals & supervisors hold conference before schools open
American Education Week, 1954; November 8, 1954
R. E. Lee & T. C. Miller Elementaries and Holy Cross observe Education Week
And It's Off To School; August 28, 1972
Three students on the first day of school.
Annual Art Exhibit Shown; April 7, 1970
Miller School students exhibit art work
Annual Pre-School Conference; July 18, 1963
New air conditioning for School Administration Building
Annual Visitation: prospective teachers; March 3, 1967
College students visit city schools
Showing 1 to 25 of 558 results
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