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Junior Woman's Club
Junior Woman's Club
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"Beauty is Only Skin Deep"; April 20, 1961
Club holds men's beauty contest
"Carousel" Leads; October 22, 1959
Leads from "Carousel"
"Music Man" Tryouts; October 9, 1962
Tryouts for roles in "The Music Man"
"My Fair Lady" costuming; October 31, 1965
Scene from "My Fair Lady" in rehearsal
$400 Scholarship for Miss OK; October 27, 1958
Scholarship of $400 awarded to Miss OK at performance of "Oklahoma"
A Peek in the Picnic Basket: Tryouts for "Oklahoma"; September 25, 1958
Eight women hoping for parts in "Oklahoma"
A Whirl With Mama; September 25, 1958
Mother and son practice for "Oklahoma"
Admire Poster: Fashion Show; September 4, 1959
Poster for "Around the Park Fashions" show exhibited
Admire Teacher-Aide Certificate; April 30, 1961
Club officers view certificate for teacher-aide program
Admiring Christmas Card; October 3, 1961
Child tells of time at Camp Easter Seal; sponsored by club
Admissions Coffee; February 24, 1972
Coffee for prospective members
Advertise Club Project; October 30, 1970
Two members in front of billboard for ETC Shop
Aids Camp Easter Seal; June 19, 1970
Club donates $150 to Camp Easter Seal
All About Camp Easter Seal; September 14, 1962
Two Easter Seal campers tell of experiences to club
Among Winners of Fine Arts Contest; February 29, 1968
Winners of fine arts contest
Annual Trip; December 16, 1973
Two leave for annual trip to Patrick Henry Boys' Plantation
Annual Trip; December 16, 1973
Two leave for annual trip to Patrick Henry Boys' Plantation
Another Patron; September 29, 1961
Check received from patron for "Guys and Dolls"
Arrangements Demonstrated; May 1, 1975
Talk on arranging roadside & dried flowers
Artist Speaks; September 25, 1963
Artist speaks to club
Arts Contest Winners; March 8, 1963
Winners of arts contest
At Club Luncheon; October 4, 1971
Special guest for Spring Luncheon
At Fashion Luncheon; September 30, 1964
Club's annual fashion show
At JWC Meet; September 30, 1959
Local rabbi speaks to the club
At LJMWC Meet; December 1, 1961
Jr Woman's Club officers & speaker
Showing 1 to 25 of 433 results
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